Media library: feature request

Would it be possible to have a getContent parameter be media where we could get a media listing, regardless of the items’ association to a sermon or article? It’d basically be like the media listing in the CMS and a parameter could be the type of media file it is (video, audio, image, etc).

Or, perhaps as another option, would be a compiled list of all sermons, articles, galleries, and anything multimedia related that could be ordered by date so that each type of data would not be so isolated from one another. Is that making sense?


I’ve occasionally had a use for something like this too. One site I did for a Christian school had about 50 PDF forms that they wanted to make available for download. I created articles for each one and set the PDF as each article’s notes.

But if I could have pulled the PDF’s directly out of media, that would have been very handy.

This could be handy for post church bulletins online too.

Hey guys, we already have a somewhat limited version of this. We haven’t updated it in a long time, I even forgot it was there.

getContent("media","display:list","type:image","howmany:10","order:random","show:__name__ ~~ __filename__<br>","nocache");

You can also do type:audio and type:document. We don’t have type:video now, but I’ll get it in the next release. I’ve also added order:recent and order:title.

Anything else you guys would like to see?

Justin B (Jbo)

Edited by jbodeutsch5 on 11/14/08


could you update the documentation when you add the new parameters?

lovely! Thanks for the update JBO. Is it possible to add a date parameter to file uploads so they can be sorted by the date they were added to the media library? That and adding type:video would be splendid.


Was the type:video an item that was updated in the 3.1 release?

Indeed it was. I’ve got the docs up as well:

Thanks for the posting the docs and getting this in the release. Is it possible to get a date related tag for when the item was posted to the site?

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