Sections API

by Skyler Katz | Last edited: 5/30/2018


Display mode: detail


Here are a list of tags available to the display:detail:

Tag Description
__title__ outputs the section title
__slug__ the URL safe version of the title (more info)
__description__ The brief description of the section
__text__ The full text of the section
__category__ The name of the category associated with the section
__categoryslug__ The slug of the category associated with the section
Any Custom Fields setup for Sections will output their API tags



Finds a section either using the section's slug or will find the section associated with the current page.





Sets a label for the section.This label is shown in the backend to assign sections to other content.



order + category

Will output one section from any given category.





Sections can also be called from any other content area by making use of the section slug. Simply put the section slug between two curley braces, only one brace is used in the following exampe so the system doesn't try to parse it as a section ( {some-section} ).