Pages API

by Justin Bodeutsch, Benson Lee | Last edited: 4/20/2020

Display mode: list

The pages API supports display modes of: list, detail, and categories. If no parameter is provided it will default to detail.


Here are the tags available to show in page list:

Tag Description
__id__ the page ID
__title__ the page title
__slug__ the URL safe version of the title (more info)
__url__ A full path to the page. If the page lives in multiple places in the nav, just one will be returned.
__groupslug__ returns group slug this page belongs to. Will not return site-group. If the page is associated with multiple groups, will return the first group associated in alphabetical order.
__groupslugs__ returns a comma separated list of group slugs this page belongs to.
__description__ the page description
__tags__ Comma separated list of keywords
__taglinks__ Comma separated list of keywords in links. By default links to /tags/tag-slug/. Otherwise use __taglinks url='/some/url/'__
__category__ A comma separated list of this page's categories
__categoryslug__ A comma separated list of this page's slugified categories
__categorylinks__ comma separated list of linked categories. Use parameter 'path' to specify where links will go, default is '/pages/category/'. Use 'separator' to use a different separator than comma.
__categoryX__ Will be repeated once for each category assigned
__parentcategoryX__ Will be repeated once for each parent category
__parentcategoryXchildX__ Will be repeated once for each child category, nests under the parent category
__lastrevisiondate__ Returns the date of the last time the page was revised. The date is forgettable Use __lastrevisiondate format='j/m/Y'__ a complete list</a > of tags is available
__text__ The page content
Any Custom Fields setup for Pages will output their API tags



Sets the maximum number of items to display





Only show items assigned to that category. Can find multiple categories with a comma separated list. If category slugs are separated by , or || any item assigned to ANY specified category is returned. If && is used to separate only items assigned to ALL specified categories will be returned.



"find_category:category1 && category2 && category3",


Will return all records assigned directly to the parent OR to any of its children.




Will not show items assigned to that category.




Sets sort order of items in list. By default will show the oldest items first.

item description
recent or modified by date, starting with most recent
random returns a random list
title by title, in alphabetical order


Display mode: detail


Here are the tags available to show in page detail:

__groupslugs__returns a comma separated list of group slugs this page belongs to.

Tag Description
__id__ the page ID
__title__ the page title
__slug__ the URL safe version of the title (more info)
__url__ A full path to the page. If the page lives in multiple places in the nav, just one will be returned.
__groupslug__ returns group slug this page belongs to. Will not return site-group. If the page is associated with multiple groups, will return the first group associated in alphabetical order.
__description__ the page description
__tags__ Comma separated list of keywords
__taglinks__ Comma separated list of keywords in links. By default links to /tags/tag-slug/. Otherwise use __taglinks url='/some/url/'__
__category__ A comma separated list of this pages categories
__categoryslug__ A comma separated list of this pages slugified categories
__categorylinks__ comma separated list of linked categories. Use parameter 'path' to specify where links will go, default is '/pages/category/'. Use 'separator' to use a different separator than comma.
__categoryX__ Will be repeated once for each category assigned
__parentcategoryX__ Will be repeated once for each parent category
__parentcategoryXchildX__ Will be repeated once for each child category, nests under the parent category
__lastrevisiondate__ Returns the date of the last time the page was revised. The date is forgettable Use __lastrevisiondate format='j/m/Y'__ a complete list</a > of tags is available
__text__ The page content
Any Custom Fields setup for Pages will output their API tags



Will accept the slug of a page or a page ID. Typically will be used to dynamically find current page. 

Slug example:


ID example:


Dynamically find the current page:


Header Images

Pages also support header images. This code snippet pulls the header image associated with the current page:

      "show:<img src="__imageurl__" alt="__name__" id="subpage_header" />"

User-Selectable Sections

Templates enabled for pages can also support sections that users can select on a per-page basis. See the Sections API for more information on this capability.


Display mode: categories


__bid__ Internal system ID of the category for unique identification.
__count__ Numerical count of the articles belonging directly to the category.
__level__ Hierarchical level of the category. The root level is considered level 1.
__name__ Name of the category as entered in the backend.
__parentid__ Internal system ID of the category's parent. This is set to '0' if the category has no parent.
__slug__ Slugged version of the category name.



Specifies the parent category slug to use as the hierarchical root to start from.



Full Example

   "level1:Parent: __name__ (__count__) ",
   "level2:Child: __name__",
   "level3:Grandchild: __name__",