Live Stream API

by Skyler Katz | Last edited: 5/14/2020

Display mode: list


before_show, after_show

Here are the tags available to before_show in the stream list:

Tag Description
__pagination__ The pagination links for all of the streams
__totalpossible__ The total number of streams for the site
__totalreturned__ The total number of streams returned in the current request
__totalpages__ The total number of pages of streams

Here are the tags available to show in stream list view:

Tag Description
__id__ id of the stream.
__title__ title of the stream
__slug__ slug version of the title
__description__ A WYSIWYG compatible description of the stream
__start__ formattable date/time that the stream starts. Use __start format='j/m/Y'__. A complete list of tags is available.
__end__ formattable date/time that the stream ends. Use __end format='j/m/Y'__. A complete list of tags is available.
__startTwo__ second formattable date/time
__endTwo__ second formattable date/time
__startThree__ third formattable date/time
__endThree__ third formattable date/time
__streamtimes__ smart display of stream start/end times (format parameter does not apply)
__speaker__ the name of the speaker
__speakerdesc__ the description of the speaker
__speakerextra__ extra information about the speaker
__speakerImgThumb__ thumbnail of the speaker image in an img tag
__speakerImg__ speaker image in an img tag
__speakerimage__ speaker image url
__passages__ comma separated list of passages assigned to the stream
__passageslugs__ comma separated list of URL safe versions of the passages
__passagelinks__ A comma separated list of full links to sermons with those passages. Creates two links, one to only the book and another to the book and verse
__passagebooks__ A comma separated list of just the book of the passages
__passagebooklinks__ A comma separated list of links to sermons with those books
__passagebookslugs__ A comma separated list of URL safe versions of the books
__passageverses__ A comma separated list of the passages without the books
__passageverselinks__ A comma separated list of links to sermons with the same verses
__interactivenote__ The interactive note content. Use This package to help make notes interactive.
__chatembed__ Embed code to the chat for the stream
__livestreamembed__ Embed code to the live stream for the stream.
__rotatorid__ The ID of the rotator for use with offline content.
__videoid__ The ID of the video for use with offline content.



Sets whether events that have concluded will be shown. Default is "no".




Sets the maximum number of items to display



Full Example:

$liveStream = getContent(
    "show:__start format='F j, Y'__",

Display mode: settings



Here are the tags available to show in the stream settings:

__linkcolor__ Color options used to customize the universal live stream layout
__headercolor__ Color options used to customize the universal live stream layout
__alternatecolor__ Color options used to customize the universal live stream layout
__logo__ Image tag of the logo used to customize the universal live stream layout
__logourl__ Image url of the logo used to customize the universal live stream layout
__socialimage__ Image tag that the stream wants used when sharing on social media. This tag can be used as a fallback if a rotator and a video are not supplied for offline content.
__socialimageurl__ Image url that the stream wants used when sharing on social media. Should be used in the "og:image" meta tag.
__navlinklistid__ The ID of the linklist used for navigation on the universal live stream layout
__rotatorid__ The default ID of the rotator if one is not provided on the stream itself. This is useful if there are no upcoming streams but you still want to display "not live" content.
__videoid__ The default ID of the video if one is not provided on the stream itself. This is useful if there are no upcoming streams but you still want to display "not live" content.
__prayerenabled__ Returns a space (" ") if the prayer api should be used, and nothing if not.
__allowacknowledgements__ Returns a space (" ") if the acknowledgement feature of prayers should be used, and nothing if not.
__prayertext__ A WYSIWYG compatible field that can be displayed to provide an introduction for prayer requests. Used on the universal live stream layout.