Instagram API

by Skyler Katz | Last edited: 9/4/2020

Display mode: list

Show Accounts

before_show_accountlist, after_show_accountlist

Here are the tags available to before/after_show_accountlist in the Instagram Accounts list:

Tag Description
__pagination__ The pagination links
__totalpossible__ The total number of items
__totalreturned__ The total number returned in the current request

Here are the tags available to show in the accounts list view:

Tag Description
__id__ Id of the Instagram Account.
__username__ Username of the Instagram Account
__name__ Name of the Instagram Account
__followerscount__ How many followers the Instagram Account has
__mediacount__ How many posts the Instagram Account has made
__profilepictureurl__ Url to the Instagram Account's profile picture
__biography__ Biography for the Instagram Account
__website__ Website url associated with the Instagram Account
__count__ The current account number in the result set

Show Media

before_show_medialist, after_show_medialist

Here are the tags available to before/after_show_medialist in the Instagram account media list:

Please note that you cannot paginate this list, you can however pass a howmany.

Tag Description
__totalpossible__ The total number of items
__totalreturned__ The total number returned in the current request
__id__ Id of the Instagram Account.
__username__ Username of the Instagram Account
__name__ Name of the Instagram Account
__followerscount__ How many followers the Instagram Account has
__mediacount__ How many posts the Instagram Account has made
__profilepictureurl__ Url to the Instagram Account's profile picture
__biography__ Biography for the Instagram Account
__website__ Website url associated with the Instagram Account
__count__ The current account number in the result set

Here are the tags available to show in the media list view:

Tag Description
__id__ Id of the Instagram media record
__type__ The type of media (IMAGE, VIDEO, ALBUM)
__caption__ The caption of the media record
__likecount__ The total number of likes the record has recieved
__date__ Formattable date/time of when the record was posted to the account. Use __date format='j/m/Y'__.
A complete list of tags is available.
__url__ The Permalink to the Instagram media record
__videourl__ Url to the actual video file (only output if the type is VIDEO)
__imageurl__ The url to the image. If type is VIDEO then this will output the video thumbnail. If the type is ALBUM then this will display the first items image/thumbnail.
Parameters needed to display a list of media records



Tells Instagram which account to get a list of media records from




Sets the maximum number of items to display



Full Example:

$instagram = getContent(

Display mode: detail

Show Account


Here are the tags available to show in an account detail view:

Tag Description
__id__ Id of the Instagram Account.
__username__ Username of the Instagram Account
__name__ Name of the Instagram Account
__followerscount__ How many followers the Instagram Account has
__mediacount__ How many posts the Instagram Account has made
__profilepictureurl__ Url to the Instagram Account's profile picture
__biography__ Biography for the Instagram Account
__website__ Website url associated with the Instagram Account
__count__ The current account number in the result set
Parameters needed to display a single account record



Tells Instagram which account to use



Full Example:

$instagram = getContent(

Show Media


Here are the tags available to show in a media detail view:

Tag Description
__id__ Id of the Instagram media record
__type__ The type of media (IMAGE, VIDEO, ALBUM)
__caption__ The caption of the media record
__likecount__ The total number of likes the record has recieved
__date__ Formattable date/time of when the record was posted to the account. Use __date format='j/m/Y'__.
A complete list of tags is available.
__url__ The Permalink to the Instagram media record
__videourl__ Url to the actual video file (only output if the type is VIDEO)
__imageurl__ The url to the image. If type is VIDEO then this will output the video thumbnail. If the type is ALBUM then this will display the first items image/thumbnail.
Parameters needed to display a single media record



Tells Instagram which account to use


Tells Instagram which media record to get




Full Example:

$instagram = getContent(

Display mode: album

Show Album

before_show_albumlist, after_show_albumlist

Here are the tags available to before/after_show_albumlist in the Instagram Album display:

Tag Description
__id__ Id of the Instagram media record
__type__ The type of media (IMAGE, VIDEO, ALBUM)
__caption__ The caption of the media record
__likecount__ The total number of likes the record has recieved
__date__ Formattable date/time of when the record was posted to the account. Use __date format='j/m/Y'__.
A complete list of tags is available.
__url__ The Permalink to the Instagram media record
__videourl__ Url to the actual video file (only output if the type is VIDEO)
__imageurl__ The url to the image. If type is VIDEO then this will output the video thumbnail. If the type is ALBUM then this will display the first items image/thumbnail.
__totalreturned__ The total number returned in the current request

Here are the tags available to show in the album list view:

Tag Description
__id__ Id of the Instagram media record
__type__ The type of media (IMAGE, VIDEO)
__caption__ The caption of the media record
__likecount__ The total number of likes the record has recieved
__date__ Formattable date/time of when the record was posted to the account. Use __date format='j/m/Y'__.
A complete list of tags is available.
__url__ The Permalink to the Instagram media record
__videourl__ Url to the actual video file (only output if the type is VIDEO)
__imageurl__ The url to the image. If type is VIDEO then this will output the video thumbnail.
Parameters needed to display a media album



Tells Instagram which account to get a list of media records from




Tells Instagram which media record to get



Full Example:

$instagram = getContent(