Blogs API
- Display mode: auto
- Display mode: list
- Display mode: cloud
- Parameters
- URL Parameters
- Display mode: categories
Display Mode: Auto
Depending on the URL, auto will either produce a list of blogs, a list of blog entries for a particular blog or a single entry. See the blog howto page for more information on this.
Display Mode: List
Depending on the parameters of the monklet or getContent, 'list' will produce either a list of blogs or a list of entries. See the blog howto page for more information on this.
Display Mode: Cloud
This will display a tag cloud consisting of all the tags used for a blog.
*NOTE - How to Output a Single Post
If you are not using display:auto and if your URL does not match the "usual pattern," you can still output the contents of a single blog post on any page by using the following methods:
etc, etc, etc...
etc, etc, etc...
All parameters apply to the entries list page.
Only for display:list and cloud, will display a list of entries for that blog. Use name:none to get a list of all blogs. Use name:all to get a list of posts from all blogs. Multiple blogs can be specified if separated by a comma.
Only show items published as featured.
Monklet Example:
Only show items not published as featured.
Monklet Example:nonfeatures="nonfeatures"
Sets the maximum number of items to display
Skips the first X records returned
Only show items assigned to that category. Limited to one category.
Only show items assigned to that group. Can find multiple groups with a comma separated list. Uses group slugs.
Do not display items assigned to that group. Can find multiple groups with a comma separated list. Uses group slugs.
Only show items assigned to that author.
Displays a list of authors for a blog. Uses show_authorlist tags.
Finds all items with that tag or tags. Spaces in tags should be replaced with a dash (-).
Sets sort order of items in list
item | description |
recent | by date, starting with most recent |
title | by entry title, alphabetically |
Sets a criteria to group the list by. If you leave out all show tags, this will produce an unordered list (<ul>) with the relevant titles as the list items (<li>). With recent, it will show the last 5 entries (can be changed with "howmany"). Otherwise, if group_show_postlist tags are present, those will be used.
Available grouping criteria:
- author
- category
- month
- group
- recent (only without group_show_postlist tags)
Only for display:cloud. Will only display tags that have been used X amount of times.
This will set a custom link path when using display:cloud. This should only be used when making a tag cloud of tags from multiple blogs. If the tag cloud is only from one blog, the links will automatically go to "/blog-slug/tag/tag-slug/"
URL Parameters
All URL based parameters require display:auto
This will display a detail page for an entry. "show_detail" tags will be used.
This will display a list of entries for the blog. "before_show_postlist","show_postlist", and "after_show_postlist" tags will be used.
On any other page a list of blogs will be shown. "show_bloglist" tags will be used.
Will display all entries from that month and year
Will display all entries from that category.
Will display all entries from that author.
Will display all list of authors for a blog. Uses "show_authorlist".
Blogs List
If no blog is specified in the URL or through "name", show_bloglist tags are used.
Tag | Description |
__blogtitle__ | Title of the Blog |
__blogdescription__ | Description of the Blog |
__blogtitlelink__ | Produces /blog-slug/ |
__bloglastpost__ | A link to the latest entry for this blog |
__bloglastposttext__ | The complete text of the latest entry |
__group__ | A comma separated list of groups assigned to the blog |
__groupslug__ | A comma separated list of groups slugs assigned to the blog |
__preview__ | A shortened version of the text. HTML is stripped. Defaults to be no more than 250 characters. Can be specified with __preview limit='120'__ |
__blogrss__ | The URL of the RSS feed for this blog |
Any Custom Fields setup for Blogs will output their API tags |
Blog Detail / Entry List
If the URL or 'name' specifies a blog, the following tags are available.
before_show_postlist, after_show_postlist
The same tags are available for before_show_postlist and after_show_postlist.
Tag | Description |
__blogtitle__ | Title of the Blog |
__blogdescription__ | Description of the Blog |
__blogslug__ | Slug for the blog |
__group__ | A comma separated list of groups assigned to the blog |
__groupslug__ | A comma separated list of groups slugs assigned to the blog |
__blogrss__ | The URL of the RSS feed for this blog |
__blogcategory__ | If find_category is used, displays that category |
__pagination__ | Divides the records into smaller groups and provides links to navigate through them |
__totalpossible__ | The total number of records that would be returned if pagination, limit, and offset were not used. |
__totalreturned__ | The total number of records returned by this request. |
__blogauthor__ | Author tags are only available if find_author or /blog-slug/author/author-slug/ is used. Displays the name of the author |
__blogauthorslug__ | The slug of the author |
__blogauthorcount__ | The number of posts for that author |
__blogauthorimage__ | The image for that author |
__blogauthorimageurl__ | The image url for that author |
__blogauthorbio__ | The bio for that author |
__blogauthorextrainfo__ | The text from the author's "additional info" field |
__blogauthorusername__ | The username of the author |
Any Custom Fields setup for Blogs will output their API tags |
Tag | Description |
__title__ | The title of whatever we are grouping by |
__slug__ | The slug of whatever we are grouping by |
If find_authors or /blog-slug/authors/ is used. show_postlist tags will not be available if show_authorlist tags are used.
Tag | Description |
__blogauthor__ | Displays the name of the author |
__blogauthorslug__ | The slug of the author |
__blogauthorcount__ | The number of posts for that author |
__blogauthorimage__ | The image for that author |
__blogauthorimageurl__ | The image url for that author |
__blogauthorbio__ | The bio for that author |
__blogauthorextrainfo__ | The text from the author's "additional info" field |
__blogauthorusername__ | The username of the author |
Tag | Description |
__blogtitle__ | The title of the blog |
__blogslug__ | The slug of the blog |
__blogtext__ | The full text of the blog post |
__blogposttitle__ | The title of the entry |
__blogpostslug__ | The slug of the title |
__blogtitlelink__ | Produces /blog-slug/entry-slug/ |
__blogpostdate__ | Formattable date. Use __blogpostdate format='j/m/Y'__ a complete list of tags is available |
__blogpostdate2__ | Second formattable date |
__blogsummary__ | The summary of the blog post. |
__blogauthor__ | Author of the blog |
__blogauthorslug__ | The slug of the author |
__blogauthorusername__ | The username of the author |
__preview__ | A shortened version of the text or summary if available. HTML is stripped. Defaults to be no more than 250 characters. Can be specified with __preview limit='120'__. |
__blogcommentNumber__ | Formatted 'Comments(1)' |
__blogcommentNumberonly__ | Just the number of comments |
__tags__ | Comma separated list of tags for the post |
__taglinks__ | A list of tags as links. Use __taglinks url='blogs/tags/'__ to modify path. Defualts to '/blogslug/tags/' |
__category__ | The category assigned to the entry |
__categoryurl__ | Produces '/blog-slug/category/category-slug/ |
__categorylinks__ | A list of categories as links. Use __categorylinks url='blogs/categories/' separator=' - '__ to modify path and the separator. Defaults to '/blogslug/category/' and ', '. |
__blogemail__ | Produces a mailto link with a link to the the entry in the message body. |
__blogpostpermalink__ | The permanent link to the entry |
__image__ | The image in an img tag |
__imageurl__ | The url of the image |
__image2__ | |
__imageurl2__ | |
__image3__ | |
__imageurl3__ | |
__imagetmb__ | Thumbnail of the image in an img tag |
__imagetmburl__ | The url of the thumbnail |
Any Custom Fields setup for Blog Posts will output their API tags |
Entry Detail
If the URL specifies a blog and an entry the following tags are available.
You can also get an individual blog post entry by passing in the id to find_id.
Tag | Description |
__blogtitle__ | The title of the blog |
__blogslug__ | The slug of the blog |
__blogtext__ | The description of the blog |
__blogsummary__ | Summary of the post |
__blogrss__ | The URL of the RSS feed for this blog |
__blogposttitle__ | The title of the entry |
__blogposttitleslug__ | The slug of post title |
__blogpostdate__ | Formattable date. Use __blogpostdate format='j/m/Y'__ a complete list of tags is available |
__blogpostdate2__ | Second formattable date. |
__blogauthor__ | Author of the blog |
__blogauthorslug__ | The slug of the author |
__blogauthorusername__ | The username of the author |
__blogauthorimage__ | The image for that author |
__blogauthorimageurl__ | The image url for that author |
__blogauthorbio__ | The bio for that author |
__blogauthorextrainfo__ | The text from the author's "additional info" field |
__blogcommentNumber__ | Formatted 'Comments(1)' |
__blogcommentNumberonly__ | Just the number of comments |
__blogcommentList__ | A preformatted list of comments |
__loginlink__ | Use __loginlink linktext='Login'__ to change default text |
__tags__ | Comma separated list of tags for the post |
__taglinks__ | A list of tags as links. Use __taglinks url='blogs/tags/'__ to modify path. Defualts to '/blogslug/tags/' |
__category__ | The category assigned to the entry |
__categoryurl__ | Produces '/blog-slug/category/category-slug/ |
__categorylinks__ | A list of categories as links. Use __categorylinks url='blogs/categories/' separator=' - '__ to modify path and the separator. Defaults to '/blogslug/category/' and ', '. |
__blogpostpermalink__ | Preformatted list of comments with text box to add new comments |
__image__ | The image in an img tag |
__imageurl__ | The url of the image |
__image2__ | |
__imageurl2__ | |
__image3__ | |
__imageurl3__ | |
__imagetmb__ | Thumbnail of the image in an img tag |
__imagetmburl__ | The url of the thumbnail |
Any Custom Fields setup for Blog Posts will output their API tags |
before_show_comments, after_show_comments
Tag | Description |
__loginlink__ | Use __loginlink linktext='Login'__ to change default text |
__commentNumber__ | Formatted 'Comments(1)' |
__commentNumberonly__ | Just the number of comments |
Sets the message that appears after a comment is left. There are no tags for the thanks message.
Display mode: categories
Tag | Description |
__bid__ | Internal system ID of the category for unique identification. |
__count__ | Numerical count of the articles belonging directly to the category. |
__level__ | Hierarchical level of the category. The root level is considered level 1. |
__name__ | Name of the category as entered in the backend. |
__parentid__ | Internal system ID of the category's parent. This is set to '0' if the category has no parent. |
__slug__ | Slugged version of the category name. |
Specifies the parent category slug to use as the hierarchical root to start from.
Full Example
"level1:Parent: __name__ (__count__) ",
"level2:Child: __name__",
"level3:Grandchild: __name__",