by Joel Greutman | Last edited: 11/18/2022

The MonkCMS API provides access to FMS forms that are associated with an account that has integrated with FMS. This means that for the account, the FMS Builder module must be enabled and an admin on the site must have visited the Connect->FMS Forms page at least once. These endpoints reach out to FMS through MonkCMS, and the results are cached as with any call to MonkCMS (unless nocache is used), but there is extra overhead due to the secondary call to FMS.

Display Mode: List

Returns a list of forms from FMS.




Tag Description
__id__ The id (uuid form) of the FMS form
__name__ The name of the form
__embedhtml__ The html needed (may be used directly) to embed the form in the page


Display Mode: detail

Returns the detail of a specific form. Tags are the same as the list view.

Example using form id:


The above code will display a form directly into the page.

Example using form slug:
