
Yay! Finally we have an area where all the developers can chat amongst themselves :-) We hope that this will provide a forum where 3rd Party developers can interact directly with the makers of Monk CMS!

God answers prayers. Thanks for getting this up Etienne and crew. I’ll be on here regularly and hope to contribute.

Welcome aboard, Ben! I’m sure you’ll have a lot to offer us.

at least now i can stop pestering you on IM luke. And nice integration of markup. This is a quality wysiwyg for folks who know a bit of code already.

Yes, I think it works well for developers and implementers, and it runs on top of jQuery. tinyMCE is a little overkill for discussion posts.

For those interested in integrating it with your discussions, you can find the plugin here:

I removed the preview functionality because it requires your own textile parser to work, but I may look into adding that later. If you have any issues with using it, please let me know.

Luke, thanks for the info. I’d seen it before. Previewing would be really nice especially for code snippets. I wasn’t sure if I could wrap an entire code block in the “@” or if I had to wrap each line. Sadly, it looks like you have to wrap each line in the @. But nice addition and so glad these forums are up.

Ben Otero
Lead Developer

Not accepting this suckage, I set out on a mission to find an acceptable solution to posting longer-than-one-line code samples. And, guess what! It is possible, just kind of hidden within the manual.

All you have to do is start a line with ‘bq..‘ (notice the two periods) followed by your multi-line code sample. Then, when your code sample is done, you can get back to regular text by starting the line with ‘p.‘.

I guess the purpose of @code@ is code samples within a paragraph of text?

Justin “Jark” Stayton
Monk Development

Edited by jstayton16 on 8/7/08

<strong>Justin is awesome</strong>
<strong>Justin is awesome</strong>
<strong>Justin is awesome</strong>
<strong>Justin is awesome</strong>
<strong>Justin is awesome</strong>

it worketh. Thanks man.


Edited by benotero on 8/7/08

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