I thought I’d post up here how I create image rotators in about 15 minutes.
I first create a new gallery and give it a description of 5 or 10 or some integer. The integer is the number of seconds between image transitions that I want to use. Add the images, link them or not and set the gallery to not display in the gallery (if the site is using photo galleries).
You can see that the description is added to the rotator div. I use a bit of javascript to detect what comes after the “fade-” part of the class name and use that as the seconds inbetween fade.
The images are wrapped with a link and will work whether the image is linked or not (there may be a better way of doing that).
The next bit is the CSS of the thing. Below is the CSS. #rotator { overflow: hidden; margin: 0; position: relative; width: 754px; height: 166px; }
on 8/6/08 benotero wrote:
Edited by benotero on 8/6/08