IE7 Horizontal scrollbar solution

This goes out to anyone who uses the Monk accessibility conventions and/or the Starter Set, where we use the unordered list (id=“skip”) for accessibility links.

I have noticed that all of my recent sites end up with a horizontal scrollbar in IE7. Much googling revealed a number of issues that could cause this, but I finally found the culprit and the solution.

Simply add the following css rule to your ul#skip:


Shazam…no more scrollbar. If that doesn’t fix it, then unfortunately I can’t help. Hopefully google can.

Monk Development

Oddly enough… I still see the horizontal scroll bar on this site in IE7 :)

Justin “Jark” Stayton
Monk Development

Right you are, Justin. Good catch. It’s fixed now.

Luke Simpson
Monk Development

Thanks, Luke! Looks good.

Justin “Jark” Stayton
Monk Development

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