Bible Cloud API

by Dave Zaccaria | Last edited: 10/20/2021

Display mode: settings



Here are the tags available to show in the bible cloud settings:

__defaulttab__  The tab that will be expanded when the page first loads (Chat, Prayer, or Details)
__linkcolor__ Color options used to customize the universal bible cloud layout
__headercolor__ Color options used to customize the universal bible cloud layout
__alternatecolor__ Color options used to customize the universal bible cloud layout
__chatembed__ Embed code used to render a 3rd party chat
__details__ A WYSIWYG compatible description of the bible cloud reader
__socialsharedescription__ Text to show on social media when sharing
__logo__ Image tag of the logo used to customize the universal bible cloud layout
__logourl__ Image url of the logo used to customize the universal bible cloud layout
__socialimage__ Image tag that the bible cloud reader wants used when sharing on social media. This tag can be used as a fallback if a rotator and a video are not supplied for offline content.
__socialimageurl__ Image url that the bible cloud reader wants used when sharing on social media. Should be used in the "og:image" meta tag.
__navlinklistid__ The ID of the linklist used for navigation on the universal bible cloud layout
__prayerenabled__ Returns a space (" ") if the prayer api should be used, and nothing if not.
__allowacknowledgements__ Returns a space (" ") if the acknowledgement feature of prayers should be used, and nothing if not.
__prayertext__ A WYSIWYG compatible field that can be displayed to provide an introduction for prayer requests. Used on the universal bible cloud layout.